
When: Mar - Jun 2016
Where: Evanston, IL

This project was an exercise in human centered design and product development, completed as part of Northwestern's DSGN 308 course. The goals of the course were to learn how to identify an existing need and then develop a product to meet that need using formal design processes.

My team and I developed the SnapFit &emdash; a better phone pouch made specifically for runners and people working out at the gym. Existing products, like a pouch that strapped to the upper arm, made it difficult and awkward to interact with the phone and perform certain actions on it, such as change music.

The SnapFit consistes of two fabric pouches held together by an elastic band. A magnetic nylon strap is attached to the back of the pouch, which can be held by a second magnet on the inside of the case. The magnets are specially designed to automatically align with each other and resist shear forces.